About this collection

Founded in 1985, the GLBT Historical Society collects, preserves, exhibits and makes accessible to the public materials and knowledge to support and promote understanding of LGBTQ history, culture and arts in all their diversity. The Dr. John P. De Cecco Archives & Special Collections of the GLBT Historical Society are among the largest and most extensive holdings in the world of materials pertaining to LGBTQ people and organizations. Broadly speaking, the over 900 discrete collections fall into four main areas: archives, periodicals, oral histories, and arts & artifacts.


GLBT Historical Society Archives and Special Collections

989 Market Street, Lower Level

San Francisco, CA 94103


Email: reference@glbthistory.org

Website: www.glbthistory.org


These collections are a part of the Dr. John P. De Cecco Archives and Special Collections of the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco, California.

For questions about the collections or the GLBT Historical Society, please contact:
Email - reference@glbthistory.org
Phone - 415-777-5455 x3
Website - www.glbthistory.org.