Welcome Home Restaurant - 1987
About This Item
Welcome Home restaurant on Castro Street. Welcome Home opened between 1975-1980; This was a reflection of an indication that this was a safe and welcoming neighborhood for the gay immigrants entering the Castro. It was one of two relatively cheap places to eat on this block (the other being Without Reservations). The owner finally retired and the restaurant was upgraded and is now called Cafe Mystic.
- Created by
- Kirkeberg, Max
- Date
- 4/13/1987
- Slide ID
- Castro-Castro-400-W-22
- Type
- Slide
- Format
- Source
- Emeritus Professor Max Kirkeberg, Department of Geography, San Fransisco State University
- San Francisco State University
- Locale
- San Francisco, California
- Rights
- Public
- Views
- 2459
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