Musician Jeff Moyer on his experience as a 1977 Section 504 Occupation protester
About This Item
In this oral history interview, protestor and musician Jeff Moyer discusses his participation in the 504 Sit-in. He recalls bringing a blow horn to the protests to lead chants. As a musician, he reworked classic civil rights protest songs from the 1960s and, after the Sit-in, remained active with political music and was invited to sing at the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) induction. Unlike many of the protesters, Moyer was able to leave and return to the building freely, as he was registered on an 'Attendant List' of able-bodied people supporting protesters. He also makes a point to discuss a hierarchy of disabilities, noting that he felt that blind people were given less of a voice.
- Locale
- 1970s; San Francisco Bay Area
- 1970s; San Francisco Bay Area
- Date
- Spring 2014
- Spring 2014
- Format
- mp4
- mp4
- Publisher
- Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability
- Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability
- Views
- 4844
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