Alpha Index: Callahan to Culley

Alphabetical index of programs by author surname, subject surname, or program title, Ca–Cu. • Index photo: Ken Chen and Youmna Chlala, remote-access reading from their Brooklyn home, April 1, 2021 (video still).

Manolo Callahan, Stefano Harney, Tonika Sealy Thompson: December 4, 2016

The Poetry Center and the SFSU Labor Archives and Research Center co-present "Working with Others: Convivial...

Date: 12/04/2016

Garrett Caples and Julian Talamantez Brolaski: February 15, 2018

The Poetry Center presents Garrett Caples and Julian Talamantez Brolaski reading and in conversation. Garrett Caples...

Date: 02/15/2018

Cardboard House Press: Giancarlo Huapaya, Omar Pimienta, José Antonio Villarán: November 7, 2019

The Poetry Center presents Giancarlo Huapaya (with translator Ryan Greene), Omar Pimienta, and José Antonio...

Date: 2019-11-07

Cardboard House Press/Cartonera Collective: Giancarlo Huapaya, Omar Pimienta, José Antonio Villarán, and Friends: November 8, 2019

The Poetry Center presents Giancarlo Huapaya, Omar Pimienta, and José Antonio Villarán, along with members...

Date: 2019-11-08

Ernesto Cardenal: May 16, 2015

The Poetry Center in conjunction with the Flor y Canto Festival presents a bilingual reading by Ernesto Cardenal. As...

Date: 05/16/2015

Julie Carr and Andrew Joron: September 11, 2014

The Poetry Center presents Andrew Joron and Julie Carr, reading and in conversation. Joron reads from  Trance...

Date: 2014-09-11

Bill Berkson, Jim Carroll, Anne Waldman: October 10, 1974

The Poetry Center presents Bill Berkson, Jim Carroll, and Anne Waldman, reading their work at San Francisco State...

Date: 1974-10-10

R.O. Kwon and Nona Caspers: March 20, 2019

The Poetry Center presents R.O Kwon and Nona Caspers, reading and in conversation. Nona Caspers introduces then reads...

Date: 03/20/2019

“Tin Tan” Magazine Reading — Alma Luz Villanueva, Wilfredo Castaño, Alejandro Murguía: October 25, 1978

The Poetry Center presesnts a reading in celebration of  Tin Tan magazine , featuring readings by contributing...

Date: 1978-10-25

Florencia Castellano, Luis Felipe Fabre, and Pablo Katchadjian: October 9, 2016

The Poetry Center and Small Press Traffic co-present poets and translators published in the first two years of the...

Date: 10/09/2016

Ana Castillo and Benjamin Hollander: February 6, 2014

The Poetry Center presents Ana Castillo and Benjamin Hollander, reading from new works, in each case books adapting the...

Date: 2014-02-06

Pierre Joris on Paul Celan: March 18, 2015

The Poetry Center and City Lights Books co-present Pierre Joris, reading his translations and discussing the work and...

Date: 03/18/2015

Luis Cernuda: December 6, 1961

The Poetry Center presents Spanish poet Luis Cernuda reading a selection of his poems in the original Spanish; a speaker...

Date: 12/06/1961

May-lee Chai and Junse Kim: November 8, 2018

The Poetry Center presents May-lee Chai and Junse Kim, reading and in conversation. May-lee Chai reads excerpts from her...

Date: 11/08/2018

"Tempest in a Teapot" Asian American Poets Reading—with Jeffery Paul Chan and Al Robles, Lou Syquia, George Leong, Lane Nishikawa, Janice Mirikitani, Alan Chong Lau, Laureen Mar, Garrett Hongo: May 16, 1977

The Poetry Center presents this landmark 1977 recording of a group reading by eight West Coast Asian American and Asian...

Date: 1977-05-16

Mg Roberts and Geneva Chao: October 27, 2016

The Poetry Center presents Mg Roberts and Geneva Chao reading and in conversation. Mg Roberts reads from not so, sea...

Date: 10/27/2016

MK Chavez and Heather June Gibbons: September 20th, 2018

The Poetry Center presents MK Chavez and Heather June Gibbons, in reading and conversation. MK Chavez reads from her...

Date: 09/20/2018

New Voice Series, featuring Jennifer S. Cheng, Karla Myn Khine, Evelyn Jo, and music by Neblinas del Pacífico: May 9, 2024

The Poetry Center presents poets Jennifer S. Cheng, Karla Myn Khine, and Evelyn Jo, each reading their work. This is the...

Date: 2024-05-09

Neeli Cherkovski and Jim Dunn: September 5, 2019

The Poetry Center presents Jim Dunn and Neeli Cherkovski, reading and in conversation. Dunn reads his poems from...

Date: 2019-09-05

Maxine Chernoff and Gillian Conoley: May 1, 2014

The Poetry Center presents Maxine Chernoff and Gillian Conoley, reading their poetry then joining in conversation with...

Date: 2014-05-01

Troubling Borders — Isabelle Thuy Pelaud with Souvankham Thammavongsa, Aimee Phan, Chau Nguyen, Christilily Chiv: March 12, 2014

The Poetry Center, in collaboration with Asian American Studies and the Fine Arts Gallery at SF State, and the Diasporic...

Date: 2014-03-12

Youmna Chlala and Ken Chen: April 1, 2021

The Poetry Center presents Youmna Chlala and Ken Chen, reading and in conversation from their home in Brooklyn, NY....

Date: 2021-04-01

최 Lindsay | Lindsay Choi and Ariel Resnikoff: November 10, 2022

The Poetry Center presents 최 Lindsay | Lindsay Choi and Ariel Resnikoff, each presenting their poetry, at...

Date: 2022-11-01

Poetry and Environmental Justice — featuring Ed Roberson, Tiffany Higgins, Eli Clare, Lehua M. Taitano: April 17, 2021

The Poetry Center, in conjunction with the  Poetry Coalition , presents one in a series of programs organized across...

Date: 2021-04-17

Tom Clark and Lewis MacAdams: October 25, 1973

The Poetry Center presents Tom Clark and Lewis MacAdams, reading their poems written solo and in collaboration. Clark...

Date: 1973-10-25

Tom Clark and Vincent Katz: February 5, 2016

The Poetry Center presents Tom Clark reading and commenting on his poetry, from various works and from manuscript, and...

Date: 02/05/2016

Eldridge Cleaver, Speaker's Platform: October 9, 1968

Shortly following the 1968 release of his book Soul on Ice , and during a time of civil unrest and riots in more than...

Date: 10/09/1968

Lucille Clifton: April 2, 1987

The Poetry Center presents Lucille Clifton, reading at the San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery. Clifton reads and...

Date: 04/02/1987

 John Marron, Harry Mathews, Andrei Codrescu: April 24, 1975

The Poetry Center presents John Marron, Harry Mathews, and Andrei Codrescu, presenting their works at San Francisco...

Date: 1975-04-24

Anthony Cody and Chaun Webster: December 3, 2023

The Poetry Center presents Anthony Cody and Chaun Webster, in conjunction with the Howard Zinn Book Fair, held at City...

Date: 2023-12-03

Norma Cole and Adrian Lürssen: October 12, 2023

The Poetry Center, in collaboration with The Wattis Institute, presents Norma Cole and Adrian Lürssen,...

Date: 2023-10-12

Hataałii and Colectivo CalleSon: February 22, 2024

The Poetry Center presents singer/songwriter Hataałii (a.k.a Hataałiinez Wheeler) joining us from...

Date: 2024-02-22

Wanda Coleman: October 14, 1982

The Poetry Center presents Wanda Coleman reading from her book of poems, Mad Dog Black Lady (Black Sparrow Press,1979).

Date: 10/14/1982

Wanda Coleman: April 14, 1985

The Poetry Center presents Wanda Coleman, performing her poetry as part of the Women Working in Literature Conference, at...

Date: 04/14/1985

Wanda Coleman: April 4, 2013

The Poetry Center presents Wanda Coleman, recipient of the 2011 Poetry Center Book Award, for The World Falls Away...

Date: 04/04/2013

Jess (Collins): April 7, 1957

The Poetry Center presents Jess reading from his poetry and translations. This event also featured poet Helen Adam.

Date: 04/07/1957

Alta and Jack Collom: October 10, 1976

The Poetry Center presents Alta and Jack Collom, reading from their poetry in the San Francisco State University Student...

Date: 1076-10-10

Rodrigo Toscano and Gillian Conoley: March 6, 2024

The Poetry Center presents Gillian Conoley and Rodrigo Toscano, reading from their work in San Francisco, at Medicine for...

Date: 2024-03-06

Clark Coolidge and Philip Whalen: May 5, 1976

"The Poetry Center is insanely pleased to present the brilliant word theoretician and poet, CLARK COOLIDGE, in...

Date: 1976-05-05

Ugly Duckling Presse — Bay Area Reading, featuring Cedar Sigo, Brent Cunningham, Micah Ballard, Dodie Bellamy, John Sakkis, Clark Coolidge, Sarah Wintz, Patrick Dunagan, and Tom Comitta: March 7, 2014

The Poetry Center, together with The Green Arcade, presents a reading in celebration of Ugly Duckling Presse, based in...

Date: 2014-03-07

Dennis Cooper and Eileen Myles: October 15, 2017

The Poetry Center presents Dennis Cooper and Eileen Myles reading at McRoskey Mattress Co., San Francisco. Dennis Cooper...

Date: 10/15/2017

¡INTER-RANCHO-NAL! — Minerva Reynosa, Aziz Córdova, Indira Isel Torres Crux, with Lourdes Figueroa and Josiah Luis Alderete: June 22, 2024

The Poetry Center, joining forces with San Francisco International Flor y Canto Literary Festival and our...

Date: 2024-06-22

Lucy Corin and Lance Olsen: September 25, 2014

The Poetry Center presents a reading and conversation from Lucy Corin and Lance Olsen, for a Prose at the Poetry Center...

Date: 2014-09-25

Gregory Corso: October 21, 1956

The Poetry Center presents Gregory Corso reading from his early poetry.

Date: 10/21/1956

The New Talkies — Jaime Cortez: September 22, 2017

The Poetry Center in collaboration with Artists' Television Access co-presents a program of seven...

Date: 2017-09-22

Jaime Cortez and Camille Roy: October 22, 2021

The Poetry Center, together with The Green Arcade, presents Camille Roy, reading from Honey Mine: Collected Stories...

Date: 2021-10-22

Jayne Cortez: April 12, 1985

The Poetry Center presents Jayne Cortez [as part of a program shared with French novelist and feminist theorist Monique...

Date: 04/12/1985

Monique Wittig and Jayne Cortez: April 12, 1985

The Poetry Center presents Monique Wittig and Jayne Cortez, reading their work on the opening night of the three-day...

Date: 1985-04-12

Jayne Cortez and LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs: October 30, 2007

The Poetry Center, in collaboration with giovanni singleton and Nocturnes Review, presents Jayne Cortez and LaTasha N....

Date: 10/30/2007

A Tribute to Jayne Cortez — Robin D.G. Kelley with Justin Desmangles: November 14, 2013

The Poetry Center presents Robin D. G. Kelley with Justin Desmangles, in a tribute to poet Jayne Cortez (May 10,...

Date: 2013-11-14

Audre Lorde Award Reading: Elizabeth Rosas, Samantha Cosentino, and Lillian Giles: September 10, 2020

The Poetry Center presents Audre Lorde Creative Writing Award-winner Elizabeth Rosas and Award-finalists Samantha...

Date: 2020-09-10

Cosmic Diaspora and Steve Dalachinsky: April 19, 2018

The Poetry Center presents Cosmic Diaspora and Steve Dalachinsky, reading and in performance. Cosmic Diaspora (Jake...

Date: 04/19/2018

Henri Coulette and Ruth Weiss: April 19, 1960

The Poetry Center presents Henri Coulette reading early excerpts from The War of the Secret Agents, The Attic, and other...

Date: 04/19/1960

Robert Creeley: May 20, 1956

The Poetry Center presents Robert Creeley reading from his early books of poetry.

Date: 05/20/1956

Robert Creeley: July 16, 1959

The Poetry Center presents Robert Creeley reading from his poetry.

Date: 07/16/1959

Robert Creeley: March 16, 1966

The Poetry Center presents Robert Creeley reading poems from his book Words, as well as a long prose piece titled The...

Date: 03/16/1966

Robert Creeley — USA: Poetry, NET Outtakes Series: 1966

The Poetry Center presents Robert Creeley, reading from his poems and commenting on his poetry and poetics, in response...

Date: 1966-XX-XX

Robert Creeley and John Wieners: November 15, 1973

The Poetry Center, in one of several special programs marking its 20th anniversary with celebratory readings at the San...

Date: 1973-11-15

alex cruse and Kevin CK Lo: November 9, 2017

The Poetry Center presents alex cruse and Kevin CK Lo (who collectively perform as Drought Spa) in performance and in...

Date: 11/09/2017

Dick Gallup and Victor Hernández Cruz: March 3, 1976

The Poetry Center presents Dick Gallup and Victor Hernández Cruz, reading from their poetry at San Francisco State...

Date: 1976-03-03

New Voice Series, featuring Meliza Bañales, Carlos Quinteros III, and Hilary Cruz Mejía: May 11, 2023

The Poetry Center presents the 2023 New Voice Series reading, featuring Meliza Bañales with Carlos Quinteros III...

Date: 2023-05-11

Stacy Szymaszek and Peter Culley: April 2, 2015

The Poetry Center presents Stacy Szymaszek reading from Hart Island (Nightboat Books, 2015) and Peter Culley reading from...

Date: 04/02/2015

Peter Culley and Stacy Szymaszek: April 3, 2015

The Poetry Center presents poets Peter Culley, reading from a recent collaborative work done with Elisa Ferrari, then...

Date: 04/03/2015