Camille T. Dungy and Javier Zamora: September 28, 2017


activism african american poets african american writers angel island architecture art barnes and noble bay area berkeley, california bernal heights, san francisco bilingual poetry black nature blackness border politics camille dungy capitalism childhood children china christopher soto citizenship city lights bookstore cityscapes civil rights movement climate change cold war college colonization colorado state university community copper canyon press curbstone press daughters death deportation diversity donald trump ed roberson el salvador empathy environmentalism essays family food gangs george mcgovern grandparents historical trauma history identity identity politics immigrants immigration immigration policy irvine, california javier o. huerta javier zamora jimmy carter junot diaz language latino poets latino writers latinx poets latinx writers linguistics local history love marcelo hernandez castillo marxism memoir memory michael pollan motherhood naacp national endowment for the arts nature nature writing nicaragua oakland, california oprah winfrey our parents' bones campaign paper sons phillis wheatley politics pollution pop culture prayer preservation privilege publishing race racism recursion representation ronald reagan roque dalton salvadoran american poets salvadoran civil war san francisco san francisco giants san francisco state university sonoran desert spanish language spanish language poetry species devastation stanford university survival the apocalypse thomas jefferson time translation travel undocumented writers undocupoets us foreign policy us-mexico border u.s. politics u.s. presidential election violence virginia wallace stegner fellowship war poems washington d.c. wesleyan university press women poets women writers w.w. norton

The Poetry Center presents Camille T. Dungy and Javier Zamora, reading and in conversation. Camille Dungy reads poems from Trophic Cascade (Wesleyan University Press, 2017) and excerpts from her prose work Guidebook to Relative Strangers (W.W. Norton, 2017). Javier Zamora reads poems from Unaccompanied (Copper Canyon Press, 2017). The readings are followed by a conversation with the audience.

Originally Recorded By
The Poetry Center, SFSU
Total Run Time
Steve Dickison, May-lee Chai
©© American Poetry Archives. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For all other uses please email

Camille Dungy (00:31:36)

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Javier Zamora (00:30;05)

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Conversation (00:56:01)

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