David Hobbs, The George Oppen Memorial Lecture: December 2, 2017


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The Poetry Center presents the 33rd annual George Oppen Memorial Lecture featuring David B. Hobbs at the Unitarian Center. Hobbs's talk is titled "Oppen and His Early Others," and builds on his research on a formerly lost manuscript of Oppen’s early poetry which he discovered in Ezra Pound's papers, and subsequently edited for publication as 21 Poems by George Oppen (New Directions, 2017). The lecture is followed by his response to a question from Frances Richard, in the audience, then his reading of two of Oppen's early poems.

Originally Recorded By
DocFilm Institute
Unitarian Center, San Francisco
Total Run Time
Steve Dickison, Frances Richard
©© American Poetry Archives. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For all other uses please email poetry@sfsu.edu

David B. Hobbs (00:52:10)

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