Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle and Maryam Ivette Parhizkar: March 15, 2019


abstraction africa african american artists african american hair african american poets african american studies african diaspora aging american southern poets amharic amiri baraka antiblackness apocalypse archives audre lorde autobiography biography black bodies black masculinity black motherhood black skin, white masks black suffering brooklyn bridge calarts central american refugee crisis childhood chronology coming of age in the milky way consumption creative process desegregation devotional poetry diaspora displacement donald goines dreams el salvador el salvadoran-american poets erasure ethnography family history farsi fetishization frantz fanon fulbright scholar futurity gender generations: a memoir genetics gesture ghosts gramma haunting historical trauma houston, texas hunger hybrid text immigration improvisation in common writers series intergenerational trauma intimacy iranian american poets iranian-american poets isolation jefferson county, kentucky jersey city, new jersey john akomfrah jomo kenyatta kalimba kentucky kenya kenyatta a.c. hinkle latinx poets leroi jones litmus press louisville, kentucky lucille clifton lynching man child: a black lesbian feminist's response maryam ivette parhizkar medical malpractice memory mississippi m. nourbese philip multilingualism music music and poetry naming near-death experiences objectification ohio river omnidawn publishing omniverse oral history police brutality possession pregnancy public transportation racism rainer maria rilke random house representation revelations salvadoran american poets self-censorship self-defense self-mutilation song of myself spanish speech surrealism tehrangeles temporality the body the brooklyn rail the male body the system of dante's hell timothy ferris translation university of california, berkeley university press books vic chesnutt walter & elise haas fund walt whitman whiteness white womanhood womanhood women artists women poets yale university zong!

The Poetry Center presents Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle and Maryam Ivette Parhizkar, reading and in conversation. Maryam Ivette Parhizkar opens, reading an assortment of her poems as published at The Brooklyn Rail, OmniVerse, Gramma, and Gesture, as well as unpublished work. Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle reads extended excerpts from her forthcoming debut book SIR (Litmus Press, 2019). Their readings are followed by a conversation with the audience. This event continues is the second evening of a two-night program in The Poetry Center's In Common Writers Series, supported by a grant from the Walter & Elise Haas Fund.

Originally Recorded By
DocFilm Institute
University Press Books, Berkeley
Total Run Time
Steve Dickison, Daphne Brooks
©© American Poetry Archives. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For all other uses please email

Maryam Parhizkar (00:23:03)

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Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle (00:24:07)

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Conversation (00:21:11)

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