Explore Poetry Center Digital Archive

Explore 13 items

Undisciplining the Fields — Ronaldo V. Wilson with Tonya M. Foster: October 20, 2022

The Poetry Center presents Ronaldo V. Wilson, reading from his written work and...

Aired: 2022-10-20

Diana Khoi Nguyen and Lan Duong: April 13, 2023

The Poetry Center and Diasporic Vietnamese Artists’ Network (DVAN), together...

Aired: 2023-04-13

Audre Lorde and Etheridge Knight: September 26, 1974

The Poetry Center presents Audre Lorde and Etheridge Knight, both reading from their...

Aired: 1974-09-26

Legacy of Forugh Farrokhzad, with Sholeh Wolpé, Jasmin Darznik, and Shabnam Piryaei: December 3, 2020

The Poetry Center and the  Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies , San Francisco...

Aired: 2020-12-03

Vi Khi Nao and Dao Strom: February 24, 2021

The Poetry Center and the Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network co-present Dao Strom...

Aired: 2021-02-24

In Honor of Audre Lorde and Pat Parker—featuring Judy Grahn, Jewelle Gomez, Avotcja, Arisa White, Leila Weefur, Angela Hume: November 5, 2020

The Poetry Center, in conjunction with the  Poetry Coalition , presents one in a...

Aired: 2020-11-05

Audre Lorde Award Reading: Elizabeth Rosas, Samantha Cosentino, and Lillian Giles: September 10, 2020

The Poetry Center presents Audre Lorde Creative Writing Award-winner Elizabeth Rosas...

Aired: 2020-09-10

Pat Parker and Audre Lorde: February 7, 1986

The Poetry Center Presents Pat Parker and Audre Lorde reading at the Women's...

Aired: 02/07/1986

Audre Lorde: September 26, 1974

The Poetry Center presents Audre Lorde, reading her poems from New York Head Shop and...

Aired: 09/26/1974

Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle and Maryam Ivette Parhizkar: March 15, 2019

The Poetry Center presents Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle and Maryam Ivette Parhizkar, reading...

Aired: 03/15/2019

Tongo Eisen-Martin: October 5, 2017

The Poetry Center presents Tongo Eisen-Martin, reading and in conversation, as the...

Aired: 10/05/2017

Samantha Giles and Angela Hume: September 15, 2016

The Poetry Center presents Samantha Giles and Angela Hume reading and in conversation....

Aired: 09/15/2016

Kuwentuhan (Talkstory) Opening Reading: April 21, 2016

The Poetry Center presents the opening event of the three-day Kuwentuhan (Talkstory)...

Aired: 04/21/2016