Explore Poetry Center Digital Archive

Explore 10 items

W. H. Auden, On the Hero in Modern Poetry: October 11, 1954

The Poetry Center presents W. H. Auden, delivering a lecture titled "On the Hero...

Aired: 1954-10-11

Neeli Cherkovski and Jim Dunn: September 5, 2019

The Poetry Center presents Jim Dunn and Neeli Cherkovski, reading and in conversation....

Aired: 2019-09-05

Bill Berkson and Duncan McNaughton: February 24, 2015

The Poetry Center and False Starts co-present Bill Berkson and Duncan McNaughton,...

Aired: 02/24/2015

Orlando White and Patrick James Dunagan: April 27, 2017

The Poetry Center presents Orlando White, recipient of the Poetry Center Book Award...

Aired: 04/27/2017

Annie Finch: February 18, 2016

The Poetry Center presents Annie Finch in a solo reading from her books Eve (Carnegie...

Aired: 02/18/2016

Stephen Rodefer, a Memorial Tribute: November 21, 2015

The Poetry Center presents a memorial tribute to Stephen Rodefer (1940–2015),...

Aired: 11/21/2015

Diane Wakoski: May 9, 1969

The Poetry Center presents Diane Wakoski reading from The George Washington Poems,...

Aired: 05/09/1969

Robert Duncan: October 10, 1956

The Poetry Center presents Robert Duncan reading from his poetry and a play.

Aired: 10/10/1956

Marianne Moore: October 18, 1957

The Poetry Center presents Marianne Moore reading from her Collected Poems and The...

Aired: 10/18/1957

Josephine Miles: 1954

Josephine Miles lectures on the teaching of poetry.

Aired: 00/00/1954