S.N.A.C.K. Sunday Press Conference at City Hall
About This Item
KPIX Eyewitness News report from March 31st 1975 in San Francisco, featuring scenes of Mayor Joseph Alioto, rock promoter Bill Graham and others at City Hall, who are explaining the outcome of an event orgianized by Graham at Kezar Stadium on March 23rd called S.N.A.C.K. Sunday (“Students Need Activities, Culture and Kicks”) The event was intended to raise funds needed by San Francisco public schools faced with fiscal cutbacks, in order to continue after-school sports and other extra-curricular activities. Reporter Al Dale confirms that of $300,000 taken at the concert, $200,000 will be donated to the school system. Also includes silent/sound views of the concert.
- Originally aired on
- Date aired
- 3/31/1975
- Recording medium
- 16mm color film, magnetic sound
- 2:07
- Rights for this video belong to
- Type of material
- archival newsfilm
- Identifier
- KPIX 123617
- Views
- 4095
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