Open Line: Dr. Paul Volberding on AIDS

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An episode of KTVU's Open Line program from 1983 produced and hosted by Johnny Barnes Selvin, featuring an interview with Director of the AIDS Clinic at San Francisco General Hospital Dr. Paul Volberding. He and other principal investigators (mostly at the University of California) have just been awarded over $1 million to expand their initial research into AIDS and Volberding explains how they plan to proceed. He also answers many questions live on air from callers, which illustrate public concern over the lack of basic information about AIDS, relating to subjects like: how AIDS is transmitted; if AIDS is potentially caused by chemicals; did AIDS originate in a laboratory; the safety of blood transfusions and what kinds of symptoms are caused by AIDS. Please note that picture quality is low in places, with total loss of picture in a few cases but audio is maintained throughout. We apologize for any inconvenience. This program was directed by Dominic Bonavolonta and the Executive Producer was Ian Zellick. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.

Originally aired on
Date aired
Recording medium
3/4-inch Umatic videotape
Rights for this video belong to
Fox Television Stations, LLC/KTVU
Type of material
Special Program

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