Explore Bay Area Television Archive

Explore 8 items

Wall murals being painted in the Mission District II (early 1970s)

Color, silent 16mm film from the early 1970s. Produced and shot by the Mission Film...

Aired: c1974-76

Wall murals being painted in the Mission District III (early 1970s)

Color, silent 16mm film from the early 1970s. Produced and shot by the Mission Film...

Aired: 1970s

Wall murals being painted in the Mission District I (early 1970s)

Color, silent 16mm film from the early 1970s. Produced and shot by the Mission Film...

Aired: 1970s

24th and Mission (1976)

Color, silent 16mm film shot in October 1976 featuring scenes shot...

Aired: October 1976

Mission Film Workshop Practice Session (1974-5)

Color, silent 16mm film shot in 1974-5 featuring scenes of filmmakers of the...

Aired: 1974-5

Bakke Protest Rally (1977)

Color, silent 16mm film shot by Sara Ortiz and Mercedes Soberon in November 1977...

Aired: November 1977

Close up shots of wall murals in Mission District I (April 1977)

Color, silent 16mm film shot by Bienvenido Rescate and Sara Ortiz in April 1977...

Aired: April 1977

Excerpts from an interview with Luis Cortazar

Color, silent 16mm film shot in August 1976 by Mercedes Soberon (on camera) and...

Aired: August 1976